October 22, 2010

It's Mine!! :D

dOodle on d mirror :)
Thanks a lot Niney for the great artwork ;) 
thanks babe...
Really luv it
[ colour, design, symbol, identity ]
all mine ;D

i'm crazy with it right now!!
p/s: kpd sspe yg dpt hasil seniku yg mngarot2 tu, sowy bebanyak...
teramat bosan dgn buku2 n math things,..
lau x ske, tolak tepi jew ea. =p

October 20, 2010

Debate --> DONE

Basic English Class with Miss Amrien

Slot : Debate

I'm in group 4. We got the statement,
"UPSR and PMR should be abolished", 
and we were in the opposing side, which is against the statement given. 
Yaya's group were in the government side. 
Huhu, luckily, i'm the 1st speaker for the opposing side. ;D 

I need to rebate the 1st speaker's statement from the government,
said that, "UPSR and PMR should be abolished 
as they'll restructure the education system"
and we were totally disagree with that..

My point, "PMR is important because it's help student to choose 
their streams whether in art or science stream"...
huhuhu~ not really confident with my point actually... ;(

First tyme debating in front of the audience ...
scared, afraid of doing mistakes
stomachache...kembung kowt or salah makan mybe..
= seram sejuk +

Thanks Ms Amrien for all the guidance.. 
Through your english class, i had learnt so many great things and went through tremendous experiences that really useful for me, now, and for the future..build up confidence, dare to speak even just a little word, generate new ideas...interactive learning, really enjoy the classes..
but i'm so sad, as for the next semester, she won't be teaching us anymore..as they [ms amrien, ms salma, ms izzati] will take care of the juniors only. Whatever it is, they still in my heart, and we're still can keep in touch.

October 17, 2010



i'm bored..dont know what to do..
study? not ready yet..huhuhu~

October 14, 2010

not feeling well :(

i'm sick..
Not feeling well since last nyte..
and today...it getting worst..
cold + fever = seram sejuk seram sejuk..
need to go to the clinic,
so i've decided to go home this evening...
hate to be in this situation..


i miss you a lot??

i'll be ok soon,.
do pray for me =)

;( it's hurt


it's hurt
but it's ok..i'm fine with that..
and I'm sorry..


if u dont mean it, so dont do it..

Never say "I LOVE YOU
if you don't really care.
Never talk about feelings
if they aren't really there.
Never hold my hand 
if you're gonna break my heart.
Never say you're going to 
if you don't plan to start..
Never look into my eyes 
if all you do is lie.
Never say hi 
if you really mean goodbye.

If you really mean forever,
then say you will try never say forever
because forever makes me cry..

October 12, 2010

menolak vs ditolak ;p

Me'reject' dan di'reject'
Menolak dan ditolak... mana lagi susah??
Hurm, lau difikirkan mmg agak complicated kan..

Menolak susah sebab
>> kita terpaksa melukakan hati seseorang
     dan dalam masa yang sama kita pun tak senang hati jgk..

dan _____________________________________________________________

Ditolak pun susah gak sebab
>> kita takkan dapat apa yang kita hajat dan impikan.
      Jadi, sudah semestinya tak senang duduk dan agak FRUST..
      bukan agak, tapi mmg frust..

Smua pengalaman ni da penah rasa..
both = menyakitkan..+ PERIT

So, how to handle this huh??
slama hdup shingga ke hari ni,
mcm2 da blajar..
blajar jd matang + keras + kejam ...hahahaha
utk handle masalah ni,
the best way, BUAT DONNO jew la..
buat tak tau ag senang.
tak payah menolak atau buat sesuatu yg membuatkan diri ditolak~
hehe..senang cite kn..
x payah pendam, x payah berdendam..

Cakap pasal ditolak or di'reject'...
hari ni, lecturer BM ktorang start marking our assignment + project
huhuhu~ bykla yang dikomennya..
lau nak compare ngn thesis,
smemangnya AMAT2 x sama..
ade kne buat pembetulan sket,
tapi agak bersyukur sbb tak kne reject ag stakat ni
x mo buat smula..
..x mo..x mo..it's enough!!

A Princess??why?


Hurm, ramai yang tertanya2
kenapa pilih nama blog 'iamyourprincess'??
Xde nama lain yang lagi sesuai ea?
bunyi macam manja aje nama ni...hehehe

Erm, nape ek..for me, sebab princess tu ada banyak makna:

Firstly, kenapa mesti letak princess :___________________________

1. Lambang seorang perempuan  
[takkan nak letak Prince lak kan..hehe]

2. Sebab dlu2 brangan nk jd princess kot ;p

3. sbb mcm comey jew..hakikatnya diri ni amt x comey

4. I'm one of  my mom + dad princesses

5. Luv gurl things  <3  
feminin kew??hurm

6. Princess of Allah 

7. Love fairy tales
sbb hdup ni tak ubah mmg mcm fairytales..
8. Hurm, ade satu ag sbb terbesar,..
...yess my life is just like a princess before..
living in the castle, full protection...
know nothing about life out there..
cant hang out with friends..
'terpenjara' dlm istana sndri
Just like Rapunzel.. 
terkurung & ditinggalkan di menara tu...
waiting for d prince to save me..ngee3.. 
Skg da kuar dri castle tu kew???
not yet, cuma jauh dri bodyguard kowt ;p

secondly, 'i am your PRINCESS' lak, ___________________________

i wanna be your princess,
mknanya nak jd sumbody dlm hdup kamu smua..
a friend mybe,or best friend kew..
tak kira lah special @ tak..
yg penting,
sy nak wujud dlm hdup seseorang,
buat org tu tersenyum & bahagia ;)
juga tmpat mluahkan prasaan + masalah..
at least sy akn cuba ada utk kamu..

and lastly, '5050'______________________________________________________________________________

~ secret number kowt..oppss terckp lak..;p

~ princess 50-50 --->  me? just a fake princess =(

~ i'm your princess, but 50-50...
not really yours..
dan jugak bukan utk sspe...
sbb sy bkn sspe utk jd hak sspe..huhu~

adakah saya sudah menjawab semua soalan? 
ade ape2 ag tak yg lupa nk gtau..
buat masa ni, ini saja yg terlintas~~


October 11, 2010

Moga selamat semuanya ^_^

9th October 2010 ;)

Kenduri Doa Selamat kat umah Athin sempena Umi & Abah yang bakal pergi menyempurnakan Rukun Islam yang kelima. 
Umi & Abah akan berangkat 18 Oct ni. 
Semoga kedua-keduanya selamat pergi dan selamat pulang ke tanah air dan juga semoga berjaya menunaikan ibadat haji dengan sempurna. 
Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar. :) InsyaAllah. 
Moga-moga Umi & Abah sentiasa berada di bawah perlindunganNya.

Me, Umi, Hana & my niece ^_^
Doa Ah sentiasa mengiringi Umi & Abah. ;)

October 7, 2010

Raya @ IPG

Sambutan Hari Raya @ IPG KDRI
3rd Oktober 2010

Tahun ni raya bersama rakan-rakan MATH II...all the gurls...paling best sebab dapat kumpul sama-sama dan bergambar, tapi agak terasa dengan ketidakhadiran 3 orang daripada kami iaitu Asmaa, Sahida & Syafiqah.. Walau apapun, sesi fotografi tetap berjalan lancar. Thanks Adni for d camera ;)) Guys of MATH II? Lebih kurang separuh sahaja yang ada, dan buat kali pertama kami bergambar bersama selepas tiga semester berada di IPG ni. Tak pape la, at least ada jgak kenangan bersama yang boleh disimpan dan didokumentasikan..hehe~

Makanan?? Boleh tahan la kali ni. Tak de la banyak sangat, cukup2 aje. Besrsederhana adalah cara yang terbaik. Erm, ok la jgk sebab ape yang kempunan nak makan sebelum  ni berjaya jugak makan..bukan ape sangat pun..satay dan nasi himpit aje..hehe~ Raya hari tu tak sempat nak makan..amat sedih..huhuhu~ and then, one more thing ialah lemang + rendang.. yummy2. Makan banyak mana pun takkan jemu..tapikan, yang mak buat ag best...yang sedihnya, mak buat time raye aje.. :(

Apa yang berbeza antara sambutan 2009 dengan 2010? Hurm, lebih ramai teman dan dikelilingi orang-orang yang disayangi  kot dan mungkin jugak dengan adanya juniors..eh, tp best ke ade junior?? hurm, i dont think so..xde lebih dan xde kurangnya..sama saje. Saya dan Dia??? tak sedondon~ ;p

Yang agak terkilan, sejak lepas cuti hari tu, kami lom sempat jumpa ayahanda tutor.. Mungkin dia sibuk sangat kot sampai tak sempat bersemuka dengan kami. CUBA MEMAHAMI.. ayahanda sememangnya sentiasa sibuk dengan tugasan dan tanggungjawab yang dipikulnya. Semoga ayahanda sentiasa sihat dan diberikan perlindungan olehNya. InsyaAllah.

Moga2, raya akan datang lebih meriah berbanding tahun ni dan tahun2 sebelumnya. Really hope so..~

October 3, 2010

crazy editin' ;p



Just smile and there's nothing you can't overcome ;)

Is perfect life better??


"There's no fun in a perfect life. 
So make a risk. Take a chance. 
Go where the wind takes you. 
Have fun."

i'm not going to have a perfect life..
just go with the flow~~~
have to be ready to take any risks or chances..
having fun??
quite hesitate bout this one ;((

Life's too short n complicated

Things that I need to must learn:

Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of  what you can't change..
play hard, forgive quickly, take chances,
give everything,
and have no regrets...

Life is too short to be anything 
but happy..
sometimes it's soo complicated 
to go through.
i'll try my best,

October 2, 2010

I don't trust anybody.

TRUST is like a paper...Once it's crumpled, it can't be PERFECT again..
[love this quote so much ;)]
and because of that,
i'm afraid to trust anybody

I trust nobody~
and i'm sorry for that...
not strong enough to face this kind of situation.. ;((
i'll learn how to forgive them..
even though d paper will never turns to normal,
i'll pretend it's never crumpled..

it's okay to be hurt by somebody,
it maybe can teach us how to be matured..
can easily define things whether it's good or not,
be strong, n have full strength..

Greatness lies not in being strong,
but in the right use of strength..

October 1, 2010

Mode : Happy :D


Thanks for today :D..i'm having such a great time..

I don't miss you ;))
